Rental Agreement

This Rental Agreement is routinely updated from time to time, and Totes2Go Moving Tote Rentals has complete control over when modifications are made. Be sure to check back to review this agreement throughout your rental, should you have any questions. The last time this Agreement was edited, was August 27, 2021.

Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions

Short Form Names to Simplify Agreement

  • In this agreement, Totes2Go Moving Tote Rentals will be known as “T2G”
  • The person’s name in the Billing Details will be known as the “Renter”  
  • The items rented will be known as the “Equipment”
  • The amount of time that the Renter rents the Equipment for, as listed on their invoice , will be known as the “Rental Period”
  • The Renter hereby hires T2G to rent their Equipment for a specified Rental Period

Services Offered

  • The Renter books, pays for, and rents T2G’s Equipment online
  • T2G delivers the Equipment to the Renter’s current address
  • T2G picks up the Equipment from the Renter’s new address
  • T2G does NOT assist in Packing or Moving as T2G is NOT a moving company
  • Packing and Moving is the Renter’s sole responsibility

Length of Rental

  • Typically a Renter will have T2G’s Equipment for at least 14 days, but this varies based on the Renter’s circumstances and individual needs
  • The Renter may have the Equipment for less than 14 days if they wish, however they will still be charged for 14 days
  • T2G can accommodate long term rentals, as long as they have enough Equipment in stock

Long Distance Moves

  • T2G will only service Renters who are within a set Delivery Area, which includes several regions
  • CLICK HERE to see which Regions T2G service’s
  • If the Renter’s Municipality is not listed, then unfortunately T2G is not able to rent Equipment
  • The Renter will have to find another company to use

How to Reserve Equipment

  • The Renter can visit T2G’s Packages and choose the how many weeks they want to rent the Equipment for
  • There is a minimum order of 15 bins
  • There are some optional Equipment add-ons for the Renter to check off on their Package page
  • The Renter can choose both the Delivery date, and Pick up Date on this Package page

How to Book Delivery / Pick up

  • The Delivery and Pick up charge is on the Package page
  • Self pick up and/or Self Drop off is NOT an option for the Renter
  • In checkout, the Renter can enter in their Billing info, and pay for the rental
  • Once T2G receives the Renter’s request, they will double check that they have enough Equipment to satisfy the Renter’s request
  • T2G will send an email to the Renter saying “Booking Confirmed” with instructions as to next steps
  • T2G encourages all Renters to read the FAQ section after reading this Rental Agreement to get an understanding of all scenarios before booking

How Payment Works / When it is Due / Methods of Payment

  • Payment is due in full upon booking
  • Once the Renter gets to the Checkout, they can decide which method of payment they prefer
  • T2G offers 2 Methods of Payment: E-Transfer or Credit Card


  • In Checkout, the Renter will select E-Transfer as their chosen method of payment
  • The system sends the Renter an email that says that their order is “On Hold” until payment has been received
  • The system will reserve their order for 24 hours while waiting for the E-Transfer to come through
  • If the payment has not been received within 24 hours, T2G will cancel the Renter’s order
  • If the payment is received within 24 hours, T2G will confirm the order
  • The Renter will receive an email saying “Order Confirmed” and they will be booked


  • In Checkout, the Renter will select Credit Card as their chosen method of payment
  • T2G uses “Stripe” as a third party credit card payment processor
  • T2G does not have access to the Renter’s card number (except for the last 4 digits) and it is kept strictly confidential
  • Stripe accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover
  • The system will take their Credit Card info, and the Renter will submit their order
  • It does a pre-authorization for this amount, but the charge does not go through yet
  • T2G will double check that they have everything in stock, and if so, they will confirm the order
  • The Renter will receive an email saying “Order Confirmed” and they will be booked
  • At this time, the credit card charge will finally go through
  • If T2G has to deny the order due to a lack of inventory, the charge never went through anyhow, so T2G can cancel the order without incident

Changing Rental Dates

  • T2G asks Renters to please call / text / email as soon as they know that they need to make a change to their Rental Period
  • A change might mean that the Renter wants to start their Delivery sooner/later, or make their Pick up sooner/later
  • As long as T2G is able to accommodate the change, they will! 
  • If the length of the rental is not changing but just the dates are, and T2G has the Equipment in stock for the new dates, T2G can make the change free of charge
  • If T2G cannot accommodate the new dates and the Renter needs to cancel, T2G will process that cancellation
  • Please see the section on Cancellation Policy
  • The Renter wishing to change dates after booking, is not able to bump another Renter’s booking of Equipment

Increasing your Order Size After Receiving Delivery

  • The Renter can request additional rentals by Clicking Here
  • Every Renter is subject to a Delivery charge of $1 per km from the shop in Windsor, even if they qualified for Free Delivery before
  • T2G will gladly add on some Equipment, assuming it is available
  • Once the Renter has paid the extra Rentals and Delivery, they will be emailed a link to schedule another delivery

Decreasing your Order Size After Receiving Delivery

  • It is too late for a refund even if the Equipment is not used
  • T2G reserved this equipment for the Renter and no reductions /refund can be done at this point
  • With that said, if the Equipment is in the Renter’s way and they really want to make room, then T2G can do a Partial Pick up
  • Every Renter is subject to a Pick up charge of $1 per km from the shop in Windsor, even if they qualified for Free Pick up before

Cancellation Policy

  • T2G only offers refunds if the Renter cancels more than 48 hours prior to their scheduled Delivery time
  • The full amount will be refunded, less a 5% administrative fee
  • If the Renter is cancelling within 48 hours, unfortunately there is no refund, but they are still able to cancel
  • In this scenario, the Renter will have a credit that they can use towards a future rental

Damage Deposit

  • This Damage Deposit is in place to encourage Renter’s to take care of T2G’s Equipment while in their care
  • Within 7 days of the Renter’s Delivery, the Renter can visit the Request Delivery Time page to Request a Delivery Time
  • On this page, they will also be prompted to pay for their Damage Deposit of $250
  • The charge does not actually go through, however it just puts a hold on the Renter’s credit card account
  • It withholds that amount from their monthly credit card limit, and it sits in limbo
  • It may appear in the Renter’s credit card account as a “pending charge”
  • T2G uses “Stripe” as a third party credit card payment processor
  • T2G does not have access to the Renter’s card number (except for the last 4 digits) and it is kept strictly confidential
  • Stripe accepts Visa, MasterCard, and American Express
  • After the Renter has entered in their info, Stripe will hold onto this amount for 7 full days
  • After 7 days, this amount is released back to the Renter
  • Providing the Credit Card in this manner allows T2G to make any future charges of any amount onto this card, should the equipment be damaged or lost, or should the Renter incur any other types of fees
  • See Replacement Cost section for more details on that charge

Cleanliness of Equipment

  • Before the Renter receives their Equipment, T2G will have already inspected, cleaned, and sanitized all Equipment with T2G’s eco-friendly cleaner
  • When the Renter is done with T2G’s Equipment, T2G does not expect the Renter to clean the Equipment
  • If T2G finds that there is excessive pet fur, dirt, or debris in them, there is a charge of $2 per bin
  • This amount will be charged through their Damage Deposit

Delivery Service

  • When the Renter books a Package online, they select their Delivery date on the calendar
  • Within 7 days of the first day of the Rental, the Renter is encouraged to Request a Delivery Time online
  • The system will send the Renter an email with this confirmed time
  • The system also sends out an automated reminder 24 hours in advance, as well as 2 hours in advance
  • Typically when the Delivery personnel are on their way, they will also send a text to give the Renter a more realistic time frame
  • There may be occasions that T2G is fully booked for Delivery, or there may be occasions that there are very limited time options and none of them coincide with the Renter’s availability
  • T2G may offer the Renter an extra day’s rental for free in this case, and instead Deliver the day prior if necessary
  • T2G reserves the right to change the Renter’s Delivery date and/or time should an emergency or unseen circumstance arise
  • T2G may reimburse the Renter for that one day lost or offer an extra day to unpack if applicable

Missing Delivery Times

  • This really should not happen because of all of the reminders, but if it does, T2G has a plan
  • Please CLICK HERE to go to the FAQ section which explains it perfectly for missed Delivery Times
  • Please CLICK HERE to go to the FAQ section which explains it perfectly for missed Pick up Times

Extension of Rental

  • At any time, the Renter may request an Extension to their Rental
  • They will be charged a daily rate
  • The Renter can Click Here to make that request or to see how much this would cost them
  • If T2G is unable to accommodate such request, the request will be denied, and the original Pick up Date will remain

Pick up Service

  • When the Renter books a Package online, they select their Pick up date on the calendar
  • Within 7 days of the last day of the Rental, the Renter is encouraged to Request a Pick up Time online
  • The system will send the Renter an email with this confirmed time
  • The system also sends out an automated reminder 24 hours in advance, as well as 2 hours in advance
  • Typically when the Delivery personnel are on their way, they will also send a text to give the Renter a more realistic time frame
  • There may be occasions that T2G is fully booked for Pick ups, or there may be occasions that there are very limited time options and none of them coincide with the Renter’s availability
  • T2G may offer to instead Pick up the day after the Rental Period if necessary for no charge
  • This scenario is rare to occur, but it’s in this agreement so that the Renter is prepared
  • T2G reserves the right to change the Renter’s Pick up date and/or time should an emergency or unseen circumstance arise, and T2G may extend the Rental for one day at no charge

Renter Refuses Entry to T2G

  • If for any reason the Renter refuses to allow T2G to return to pick up their Equipment, there will be strict penalties for the Renter.
  • The Renter will be charged a double daily rate on their credit card, until the Renter allows access to pick up T2G’s Equipment
  • The main reason T2G would charge such a hefty fine, is if this Equipment was meant for another customer who previously booked and paid for it, and now they are without because of this Renter
  • T2G will have to refund the other customer, and now this customer in default will be paying double
  • The charge is to encourage the Renter to allow access for T2G to pick up the Equipment on the Pick up Date that was initially booked
  • T2G has the right to a different penalty that they seem fit, for whatever amount they deem necessary in a case such as this
  • If the Renter is uncooperative with T2G and is insensitive to the fact that someone else has booked and paid for the Equipment that is currently in Renter’s possession, T2G will keep trying for up to 14 days in an attempt to get their Equipment back
  • T2G will keep charging this daily rate of double the price during this time
  • If 14 days has passed, T2G will stop the daily charges and instead Replacement Fees for all Equipment will be charged to the Renter’s card, and the contract will be deemed Terminated
  • Keep in mind that these charges will be in the thousands of dollars as the replacement costs are quite high
  • Refusing T2G entry to pick up the Equipment will probably never happen, but we need to put it in here in case it ever does! T2G knows that 99% of the population are good, kind hearted people. But there will always be that 1% of the population that doesn’t care about rules or other people, and that is why this clause is in here for them!

Replacement Fees

  • T2G finds it hard to believe that a Renter could damage Equipment beyond repair, as the Equipment is super durable and almost dummy proof
  • Losing a bin is also unheard of, however T2G understands that life happens and sometimes mistakes are made
  • Stolen Equipment doesn’t happen too often either, but there is always a chance
  • If T2G’s Equipment is damaged, lost or stolen; there are charges that the Renter will incur
  • These charges will go directly on the credit card on file:
    • Bin = $75 each
    • Divider = $45 each
    • Dolly = $125 each
  • Make sure to always leave Equipment inside the house to avoid the chance of theft or damage from weather or dirt
  • Do not use tape on any of the Equipment, and only use the Labels that T2G provides the Renter with
  • Labels are to be put on the rough spot on the side of the bin below the handles
  • Even if the damage, loss, or theft was not the Renter’s fault, this charge will be charged to the card provided for the Damage Deposit
  • T2G goes to great lengths to order their Equipment from overseas and they can only buy in large quantities and must wait months for them to arrive
  • T2G cannot just order one or two off amazon and have it delivered the next day
  • So when it comes down to it, T2G just wants their Equipment back and they charge this high price to encourage the Renter to take good care of their Equipment while in their care


  • T2G warrants that all Equipment is in satisfactory operating condition at the time of receiving the order
  • Of course no Equipment will appear as though it is in perfect and new condition
  • This is a rental company, so the Equipment will be in used condition
  • With that said, all Equipment is inspected after each use, and repairs or replacements are made when necessary
  • Promptly upon receiving an order that is delivered, the Renter is encouraged to carefully inspect the Equipment to determine whether it has been damaged during Delivery
  • The Renter will inform T2G within 24 hours of receiving their order if anything isn’t right
  • If the Renter finds any of the equipment to be non-functional or severely damaged prior to them using it within 24 hours of the Delivery, T2G will replace the equipment for free, with no extra delivery charges
  • T2G offers this service assuming no mis-handling or damage occurred as a result of the Renter fiddling around with the equipment in an aggressive manner
  • If the Renter shall fail to notify T2G of any damages within 24 hours of receiving their order, the Renter shall be deemed to have accepted the Equipment as being in an acceptable operating condition
  • During the period of the Renter’s possession and control of the Equipment, the Renter acknowledges all risk of loss, destruction of, or damage to the Equipment, from any cause whatsoever
  • The Renter is warned about the steel rods that stick out. They can sometimes get stuck on people’s clothing while being carried
  • T2G will not be held responsible for any damage or injury due to these rods


  • The Equipment is the sole and exclusive property of T2G
  • No alteration to the Equipment will be made without prior written consent of T2G
  • Proper care and maintenance of the equipment during it’s use will be the responsibility of the Renter
  • Equipment which is returned to T2G in a condition requiring excessive cleaning or repairs due to excessive wear and tear or mishandling, will be brought back to rentable condition at the expense of the renter
  • Please see the Replacement Fee section in the event that Equipment is returned to T2G that is now beyond repair and needs replacement


  • The Renter will use the Equipment in a safe manner and shall indemnify and hold T2G harmless from any liability whatsoever resulting from the Renter’s use of the Equipment
  • T2G is not responsible for the results of any loss or damages or injury caused by the Renter’s move
  • It is the Renter’s responsibility to know the weight limits of the Equipment that they are receiving
  • It is the Renter’s responsibility to not damage the Equipment or to injure themselves
  • Overloading the Equipment or not stacking them appropriately are two examples of what could happen if proper precautions are not taken
  • Weight limits and tips for packing are sent to each Renter’s email the same day that they receive their delivery, but these can also be found HERE


  • During the Rental Period, the Renter is 100% responsible for the Equipment at all times
  • Whoever’s name was used under the Billing info during booking, is responsible for the Equipment at all times
  • Whoever’s credit card was used for the Damage Deposit, is responsible for paying for any Damage, Repairs, or outstanding charges


  • In the event of any default, T2G may declare the entire amount of unpaid rental payments immediately due and payable and T2G may immediately terminate this Agreement
  • In the event of such termination, T2G may enter the premises where Equipment is located and remove the same
  • All costs and expenses to recover the equipment and/or rental frees, including legal fees incurred in execution of this section, will be paid by the Renter


  • There are several ways that T2G would like to warn its Renters – the most important is stacking tips
  • Do not load your packed bins more than 4 or 5 high
  • The system may send out these tips to the Renter following their Delivery
  • It will detail how much the Renter can load in the bins, what the weight capacity is when they are stacked on top of each other, etc.
  • We strongly advise that no children operate the Equipment or try to carry the Equipment
  • We advise that no pets go into the bins either
  • T2G is not held liable for any injury, so be cautious as to who does the lifting and carrying and stacking

© 2024 Totes2Go Moving Tote Rentals. All rights reserved.